Monday, November 7

These are a few of my favourite things

I've been toying recently with the idea of starting a set of new projects: gaming related blogs, video content, just a some political articles about everything I have an opinion on - or even free translation on the web of relevant texts. Every time these projects fall short - either because I don't have enough time to dedicate to them, or because... With everything else I have already going on, it feels like a strange waste of time to start something again, instead of using what I have. I have this blog, for instance - but when was the last time I wrote down longer texts here? Then again, another relevant excuse: this blog is deeply personal, a dairy of thoughts and nice things for my personal enjoyment. I post whatever I want, whenever I feel like, in whatever language. I don't want that to change. Posting here, however, won't solve my issue either, because I don't advertise to the target readers.

Ah, the dilemma...

Here for posterity, for when I want to revive some of these projects again!

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