Saturday, October 26


"Even though their presence can be described as very quiet, INFJ personalities usually have many strong opinions, especially when it comes to issues they consider really important in life. If an INFJ is fighting for something, this is because they believe in the idea itself, not because of some selfish reasons.

INFJ personalities are drawn towards helping those in need – they may rush to the place of a major disaster, participate in rescue efforts, do charity work etc. INFJs see this as their duty and their purpose in life – people with this personality type firmly believe that nothing else would help the world as much as getting rid of all the tyrants. Karma and similar concepts are very attractive to INFJs.

These tendencies are also strengthened by the fact that INFJ personalities have a unique combination of idealism and decisiveness – this means that their creativity and imagination can be directed towards a specific goal. Few other personality types have this trait and this is one of the most important reasons why many INFJs are able to eventually realize their dreams and make a lasting positive impact.

INFJs are masters of written communication, with a distinctively smooth and warm language. In addition, the sensitivity of INFJs allows them to connect to others quite easily. Their easy and pleasant communication can often mislead bystanders, who might think that the INFJ is actually an extrovert.

INFJs should be careful to avoid “overheating” as their zeal and determination can sometimes get out of hand. As introverts, INFJs need to have some “alone time” every once in a while or otherwise their internal energy reserves will get depleted really quickly. If this happens, the INFJ may surprise everybody around them by withdrawing from all their activities for a while – and since other people usually see INFJs as extroverts, this can leave them both surprised and concerned.

INFJs take great care of other people’s feelings and expect others to return the favor. Unsurprisingly, people with this personality type are very sensitive and vulnerable to conflicts – even the most rational INFJs may find it quite difficult to not take criticism personally. This is the INFJ’s Achilles’ heel – if someone with an INFJ personality cannot escape the conflict, they will do their best to deal with it head on, but this will result in a lot of stress and may also potentially lead to health problems or highly irrational behavior."

Some famous INFJs:
Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mel Gibson
Mother Teresa
Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Nicole Kidman

A propósito de 9 de Junho

Os mandamentos fizeram-se para serem quebrados, como as tábuas de Moisés.

Foi o resto da vida inteira que me fez assim

"Se não fossem as minhas malas cheias de memórias
Ou aquela história que faz mais de um ano
Não fossem os danos
Não seria eu

Se não desse errado
Não seria eu"
"Trin Tragula — for that was his name — was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher or, as his wife would have it, an idiot."

The restaurant at the end of the universe, Douglas Adams

Cá está, mais uma contradição.

Wednesday, October 23

J'en ai autant de bleus

Wednesday, October 16

Gosto muito das contradições que encontramos por preconceito. A C. com a sua Brigitte, por exemplo (quem diria, um Yorkshire!). O B. que fica tão bem de gravata mas adora kizomba e não perde uma oportunidade de batucar. O quarto da L., tão pequenino e humilde, perdido numa casa enorme e aristocrática. A S., que de tímida parece uma pessoa boazinha e afinal é tão maliciosa.

E eu, que contradições me definem? Não sei, gostava que alguém me dissesse, um dia.

"Encosta-te a mim,
Dá cabo dos teus desenganos
Não queiras ver quem eu não sou,
Deixa-me chegar.
Tudo o que eu vi,
Estou a partilhar contigo
O que não vivi, hei-de inventar contigo
Sei que não sei
Às vezes entender o teu olhar
Mas quero-te bem,
Encosta-te a mim.
Encosta-te a mim,
Desatinamos tantas vezes.
Vizinha de mim,
Deixa ser meu o teu quintal"

Tuesday, October 8

“[Eu] Admitia que nem todos nascem heróis e que um mundo em que todos fossem como ele, isto é, honestos e inermes, seria tolerável, mas esse é um mundo irreal. No mundo real, os armados existem, constroem Auschwitz, e os honestos e inermes preparam-lhes o caminho; por isso, por Auschwitz deve responder cada um dos alemães, aliás, cada homem, e depois de Auschwitz já não é lícito ser inerme”

Primo Levi

Saturday, October 5

"The disease is growing, it's epidemic
I'm scared that there ain't a cure
The world believes it and I'm going crazy
I cannot take anymore

I'm so glad that I'll never fit in
That will never be me
Outcasts and girls with ambition
That's what I wanna see"

Thursday, October 3

"Cover once said that he went to law school to make the world safe for poetry"

Narrative, Violence, and the Law: The Essays of Robert Cover