Thursday, April 29

Um pouco de Rosa branca ao peito

Quando te sentires perdida
fecha os olhos e sorri.
Não tenhas medo da Vida
que a Vida vive por si.

António Gedeão

Sunday, April 25

Uma palavra: Liberdade

"Uma gaivota voava, voava,
assas de vento,
coração de mar.
Como ela, somos livres,
somos livres de voar."

Ermelinda Duarte

Saturday, April 24

"I am for you, and you are for me, not only for our own sake, but for others' sakes"

Walt Whitman

Monday, April 19


"The daughter of Theon, also a notable mathematician and philosopher, Hypatia became the recognized head of the Neoplatonist school of philosophy at Alexandria about 400, and her eloquence, modesty, and beauty, combined with her remarkable intellectual gifts, attracted a large number of pupils. Among them was Synesius of Cyrene, afterward bishop of Ptolemais (c. 410), several of whose letters to her are still extant.
(...) Theodosius I, Roman emperor in the East from 379 to 392 and then emperor in both the East and West until 395, initiated an official policy of intolerance to paganism and Arianism in 380. In 391, in reply to Theophilus, the bishop of Alexandria, he gave permission to destroy Egyptian religious institutions. Christian mobs obliged by destroying the Library of Alexandria, the Temple of Serapis, and other pagan monuments. Although legislation in 393 sought to curb violence, particularly the looting and destruction of Jewish synagogues, a renewal of disturbances occurred after the accession of Cyril to the patriarchate of Alexandria in 412. Tension culminated in the forced, albeit illegal, expulsion of Alexandrian Jews in 414 and the murder of Hypatia, the most prominent Alexandrian pagan, by a fanatical mob of Christians in 415. The departure soon afterward of many scholars marked the beginning of the decline of Alexandria as a major centre of ancient learning.
(...) The existence of any strictly philosophical works by her is unknown. Indeed, her philosophy was more scholarly and scientific in its interest and less mystical and intransigently pagan than the Neoplatonism taught in other schools. Nevertheless, statements attributed to her, such as “Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all” and “To teach superstitions as truth is a most terrible thing,” must have incensed Cyril, who in turn incensed the mob."

Sunday, April 11

"Love is all a matter of timing. It's no good meeting the right person too soon or too late."

Saturday, April 10

Canção do lavrador

Meus versos lavro-os ao rubro
nesta página de terra
que abro em lábios. Descubro-
-lhe a voz que no fundo encerra

Os versos que faço sou-os
a relha rasga-me a vida
e amarra os sonhos de voos
que eu tinha à terra ferida

Poema que mais que escrevo
devo-te em vida. No húmus
a rego simples eu levo
os meus desvairados rumos

Mas mais que poema meu
(que eu nunca soube palavra)
isto que dispo sou eu
Poeta não escrevas lavra

Ruy Belo
"(...) Law resembles religion (...). For legal dogma and theological dogma alike, it is advisable to keep the world of faith compatible with the world of scientific truth."

How the law thinks: toward a constructivist epistemology of law, Gunther Teubner

Wednesday, April 7

Prenda de anos

Estudantes de direito, e não há muito mais a dizer.

Monday, April 5

E de novo a armadilha dos abraços.
E de novo o enredo das delícias.
O rouco da garganta, os pés descalços
a pele alucinada de carícias.
As preces, os segredos, as risadas
no altar esplendoroso das ofertas.
De novo beijo a beijo as madrugadas
de novo seio a seio as descobertas.
Alcandorada no teu corpo imenso
teço um colar de gritos e silêncios
a ecoar no som dos precipícios.
E tudo o que me dás eu te devolvo.
E fazemos de novo, sempre novo
o amor total dos deuses e dos bichos.

Rosa Lobato Faria