Tuesday, November 26

How fake news actually work

"Providing people with more and better information is unlikely to improve matters. Scientists hope to dispel wrong views by better science education, and pundits hope to sway public opinions on issues such as Obamacare or global warming by presenting the public with accurate facts and expert reports. Such hopes are grounded in a misunderstanding of how humans actually think. Most of our views are shaped by communal group-think rather than individual rationality, and we hold on to these views out of group loyalty. Bombarding people with facts and exposing their individual ignorance is likely to backfire. Most people don’t like too many facts, and they certainly don’t like to feel stupid."

Yuval Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Thursday, November 14

Friday, September 27

Wednesday, September 18

Tuesday, August 27

Paradise could look like this

Se tanto me dói que as coisas passem
É porque cada instante em mim foi vivo
Na luta por um bem definitivo
Em que as coisas de amor se eternizassem.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

Because even when I was flat broke

You made me feel like a million bucks
You do
I was made for you

Thursday, August 15

Não me peçam razões

Não me peçam razões, que não as tenho,
Ou darei quantas queiram: bem sabemos
Que razões são palavras, todas nascem
Da mansa hipocrisia que aprendemos...
Não me peçam razões por que se entenda
A força de maré que me enche o peito,
Este estar mal no mundo e nesta lei:
Não fiz a lei e o mundo não aceito.
Não me peçam razões, ou que as desculpe,
Deste modo de amar e destruir:
Quando a noite é de mais é que amanhece
A cor de primavera que há-de vir.

In "Os Poemas Possíveis" 
Editorial Caminho

José Saramago 

Saturday, August 10

Wednesday, August 7

"I am all abroad, and being in perplexity am always changing my opinion."

Socrates according to Plato, in Lesser Hippias

Thursday, July 11

Tuesday, May 28

Diálogos com Kafka

Mas será que perdoaste o teu pai antes do final? Porque temos menos e menos em comum, hoje em dia.

The first cut is the deepest

A propósito de te ver, ainda, noite sim noite não.

Sunday, May 26

A song of ice and fire

Also known as my hair...

Tuesday, April 30

Com as mãos (25 de abril todos os dias)

Com mãos se faz a paz se faz a guerra
Com mãos tudo se faz e se desfaz
Com mãos se faz o poema ─ e são de terra.
Com mãos se faz a guerra ─ e são a paz.

Com mãos se rasga o mar. Com mãos se lavra.
Não são de pedra estas casas mas
de mãos. E estão no fruto e na palavra
as mãos que são o canto e são as armas.

E cravam-se no Tempo como farpas
as mãos que vês nas coisas transformadas.
Folhas que vão no vento: verdes harpas.

De mãos é cada flor cada cidade.
Ninguém pode vencer estas espadas:
nas tuas mãos começa a liberdade.

Manuel Alegre, O canto e as armas

Wednesday, April 24

Sunday, April 21


Tiago Galo, https://tiagogalo.com/ 

When a piece of you is taken you must rebuild yourself.

Façamos um soneto

Façamos um soneto, tu e eu.
Será a tua parte nele escassa.
Já que partiste, és parte do que passa,
De tudo o que foi já e se perdeu.
Façamos dessa fuga a sua arte,
Em busto, um monumento ao momento,
Qualquer coisa de gesso, de cimento,
Porque não de amarante, que não parte?
Sejamos criativos, ó nictémera;
Afinal, nada tenho contra ti.

Daniel Jonas, Oblívio

Friday, March 15

On resentment

"The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love (...) The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill - he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it, and so pass to genuine vindictiveness."

The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Sunday, February 17

A vida era só dias

Helder Moura Pereira

Thursday, February 14

Me cago en el amor

Porque voy a creer yo en el amor 
si non me entiende, no me comprende tal como soy yo

Thursday, January 31

Do amoroso esquecimento

Eu agora - que desfecho!
Já nem penso mais em ti...
Mas será que nunca deixo
De lembrar que te esqueci?

Mário Quintana

Heart's bruised

Old Bridget Jones had it right

Sunday, January 27


"When someone opposes you, it is very tempting to oversimplify, parody, or distort his or her position. This is a counterproductive game, design both to harm the dissenter and to unjustly raise your personal status. By contrast, if you are called upon to summarize someone's position, so that the speaking person agrees with that summary, you may have to state the argument even more clearly and succinctly than the speaker has even yet managed. If you first give the devil his due, looking at his arguments from his perspective, you can (I) find the value in them, and learn something in the process, or (II) hone your positions against them (if you still believe they are wrong) and strengthen your arguments further against challenge. This will make you much stronger. Then you will no longer have to misrepresent your opponent's position (and may well have bridged at least part of the gap between the two of you). You will also be much better at withstanding your own doubts. (...)

To say it again: it is the greatest temptation of the rational faculty to glorify its own capacity and its own productions and to claim that in the face of its theories nothing transcendent or outside its domain need exist. (...) The totalitarian says, in essence, "You must rely on faith in what you already know." But that is not what saves. What saves is the willingness to learn from what you don't know. That is faith in the possibility of human transformation. That is faith in the sacrifice of the current self for the self that could be."

Jordan Peterson,  12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

Monday, January 7

Sunday, January 6

(...) The two of you have always talked, that is what defines you somehow, and for all these years you have been living inside the long, uninterrupted conversation that started the day you met."

Paul Auster, Winter Journal

Language family trees