Eu sei que sou estranha. Todos somos. Todos temos as nossas manias, as nossas preferências, as nossas obsessões. Eu sou uma vegetariana frustrada numa eterna semi-dieta, gamer em potência presa no Direito e que lê todos os livros publicados pela Allende nos tempos livres e sempre quis poder ser amiga dos exs. Estranhas escalas de valores, perdão e rancores extremos e inesperados, estranhos sonhos dia e noite.
Mas ele não se importa, e quer-me assim mesmo, no meu mistério, tal como o poema do Sebastião da Gama. Where the hell did I come out so lucky.
I know I'm weird. We all are. We all have our quirks, our preferences, our obsessions. I am a frustrated vegetarian diet on an eternal semi-diet, a potential gamer stuck in Law that reads all the books published by Allende in her spare time and always wanted to be able to be friends with the exs. Strange scales of values, forgiveness and extreme and unexpected grudges, strange dreams day and night.
But he does not care, he wants me exactly like that, involved in my mystery, as in the poem by Sebastião da Gama. Where the hell did I come out so lucky.
But he does not care, he wants me exactly like that, involved in my mystery, as in the poem by Sebastião da Gama. Where the hell did I come out so lucky.